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Why Is It Hard To Sleep On Sweaty Summer Nights And How To Change It

Sweaty nights

If summer’s going to be anything like last year, we’re sure to face restless battles with sweat-soaked sheets and elusive sleep. 

We've all experienced it—the frustration of tossing and turning, desperately seeking relief from the sticky discomfort that lingers in the air. 

In this blog, we delve into the science behind why it's challenging to sleep on sweaty summer nights and explore the factors that contribute to our nocturnal discomfort. 

From the way our bodies respond to heat to the impact of humidity on our sleep environment, we'll uncover the secrets behind those restless summer nights and how smartGRID mattresses are the best investment for the summer. 

How Does Your Body Temperature Change When You Sleep?

Our skin has blood vessels that moderate blood flow to different parts of the body and regulate body temperature to external conditions. 

When you sleep, your blood flows from your core to the skin area, thereby releasing the pent-up heat in your body. Blood vessels in your hands and feet widen, release pressure and help you fall asleep rapidly.

This rapid drop in heat creates a chain reaction, where melatonin is produced, and core body temperature shifts to allow for sleep onset.

Why Do You Lose Sleep When It’s Too Hot?

Body temperature is linked to your circadian rhythm. Your body is conditioned to wake up at the mark of dawn (when you experience light and heat) and drift off when you experience a cool and pleasant ambience at night. 

When your bedroom temperature is high and causes sweating, your body considers the cue to wake up and doesn’t allow you to sleep. 

In a humid environment, the heat levels are high, and subsequently, your heart and breathing rates rise

It also increases your blood flow and average skin temperature, causing an imbalance and waking you from even the deepest sleep. 

Does Your Bedroom Environment Influence Your Sleep Quality?

The impact of your bedroom environment on your sleep can be more than you imagine. The heat inside the room, air quality, level of ventilation and airflow are all crucial elements that determine how well you sleep.

The Right Bedding for the Best Sleep

Your body and your mattress create a micro-climate that needs to be conducive to sleep. If your mattress is sagging, worn out, and traps heat, you need to get away from it this summer. 

Some mattresses cling to you when you sleep longer in a particular position and when you turn, they take time to decompress and adapt to your new position. During this transition, you’re likely to feel unsupported. 

You need a mattress like HiGRID The Sleep Company’s smartGRID mattress that’s firm to cradle your pressure points while intelligently adapting to your movements, all while offering a 2x cushiony surface. 

Air Quality and Sleep Efficiency

Chemicals emitted by indoor items, and mattresses play a huge role in orchestrating your sleep. That’s why mattresses that have an off-gassing property are a hassle when you wind down at the end of the day. 

They cause headaches, skin irritations, breathing difficulty, and decrease sleep efficiency and duration. 

Here’s How Crucial Air Circulation is For Sleep

With free air circulation, you naturally experience higher ventilation and a subsequent decrease in temperature. 

This results in enhanced sleep quality and far superior performance at work the next day. 

When there’s higher ventilation in your room, you are less likely to wake up in the middle of the night and ruin your sleep quality

Another paramount reason for air circulation at night is with higher humidity in the room, bacteria infestation begins and carbon dioxide levels rise. Without proper air circulation, it’ll only worsen. 

Sweat production is higher during deep sleep, and when more heat is added to the equation, it makes you uncomfortable.

That’s why you need a smartGRID mattress with 2500+ air channels that allow for free air circulation and heat displacement throughout the night. 

Do All Mattresses Allow Free Air Circulation?

Not really. Some mattresses, like memory foam, have highly dense layers that do not allow air to percolate, trap external heat and make the sleep surface almost unbearable. 

The layers also stick to your body, and move with you, presenting a sticky situation when you’re already sweating profusely. 

The moisture doesn’t have a place to go and ends up causing irritation and allergies. 

A Must-Have Summer Essential – Moisture-Wicking, Hypoallergenic, Airy, SmartGRID Mattress

The open grid-like structures – Hyper-Elastic polymers that make the smartGRID, adapt to the high external temperature and offer a cool, airy surface for you to snooze.

The UK’s first and only SmartGRID mattresses come with a cotton-viscose blend, and a lightweight top cover that absorbs body fluids, leaves the surface clean, and is easy to remove for a quick wash. 

The mattresses displace heat, make you cool, support you at the right places and give you 2x luxurious comfort. 

Order orthopaedic, pressure-alleviating, super-soft mattresses at 45% off at HiGRID The Sleep Company now.

Vasantha Priya

Vasantha Priya

Vasantha Priya is a freelance content writer by day and a poet by night. She specialises in research-backed, long-form content for B2B & B2C brands. Vasantha strikes a chord with readers and drives action by establishing trust, thought leadership and authenticity. Apart from writing, she’s an English tutor and OD consultant. She also has an undying love for chocolates and sunsets.

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